This is the complete list of members for rdf::IP, including all inherited members.
border_flip enum value | rdf::IP | |
border_zero enum value | rdf::IP | |
calcRotationSize(double angleRad, const QPointF &srcSize) | rdf::IP | static |
computeHist(const cv::Mat img, const cv::Mat mask=cv::Mat()) | rdf::IP | static |
computeHist(const cv::Mat &data, int width, int numElements=-1, double *maxBin=0) | rdf::IP | static |
convolveIntegralImage(const cv::Mat &src, const int kernelSizeX, const int kernelSizeY=0, MorphBorder norm=IP::border_zero) | rdf::IP | static |
createStructuringElement(int seSize, int shape) | rdf::IP | static |
dilateImage(const cv::Mat &bwImg, int seSize, MorphShape shape=IP::morph_square, int borderValue=0) | rdf::IP | static |
draw(const std::vector< cv::Point > &pts, cv::Mat &img, unsigned char val=255) | rdf::IP | static |
erodeImage(const cv::Mat &bwImg, int seSize, MorphShape shape=IP::morph_square, int borderValue=255) | rdf::IP | static |
estimateMask(const cv::Mat &src, bool preFilter=true) | rdf::IP | static |
get1DGauss(double sigma, int kernelsize=-1) | rdf::IP | static |
getThreshOtsu(const cv::Mat &hist, const double otsuThresh=0) | rdf::IP | static |
grayscale(const cv::Mat &src) | rdf::IP | static |
invert(const cv::Mat &src) | rdf::IP | static |
invertImg(cv::Mat &srcImg, cv::Mat mask=cv::Mat()) | rdf::IP | static |
morph_disk enum value | rdf::IP | |
morph_square enum value | rdf::IP | |
MorphBorder enum name | rdf::IP | |
MorphShape enum name | rdf::IP | |
mulMask(cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat mask=cv::Mat()) | rdf::IP | static |
normalize(cv::Mat &src) | rdf::IP | static |
preFilterArea(const cv::Mat &img, int minArea, int maxArea=-1) | rdf::IP | static |
rotateImage(const cv::Mat &src, double angleRad, int interpolation=cv::INTER_CUBIC, cv::Scalar borderValue=cv::Scalar(0)) | rdf::IP | static |
setBorderConst(cv::Mat &src, float val=0.0f) | rdf::IP | static |
statMomentColor(const cv::Mat &src, const cv::Mat &mask=cv::Mat(), double momentValue=0.5) | rdf::IP | static |
statMomentMat(const cv::Mat &src, const cv::Mat &mask=cv::Mat(), double momentValue=0.5, int maxSamples=10000, int area=-1) | rdf::IP | static |
threshOtsu(const cv::Mat &srcImg, int thType=CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) | rdf::IP | static |