READ Modules

READ Modules are document analysis modules developed at CVL/TU Wien for the EU project READ. The READ project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 674943.

Documentation can be found here:

Build on Windows


Build on Ubuntu

note that Qt 5.5 is needed, thus Ubuntu version must be >= 16.04 or backports of Qt 5.5 have to be used (see .travis.yml for an ppa repository and names packages which need to be installed)

Get required packages:

1 sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake qttools5-dev-tools qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev qt5-image-formats-plugins libopencv-dev cmake git libexiv2-dev libraw-dev

Get nomacs sources from github:

1 git clone

This will by default place the source into ./nomacs Go to the nomacs directory and run cmake to get the Makefiles:

1 cd nomacs
2 cmake ImageLounge/.

Compile nomacs:

1 make

Get the READ Framework sources from github:

1 git clone

This will by default place the source into ./ReadFramework

Go to the ReadFramework directory and run cmake to get the Makefiles:

1 cd ReadFramework
2 cmake .

Compile READ Framework:

1 make

Get the READ Modules sources from github:

1 git clone

This will by default place the source into ./ReadModules

Go to the ReadModules directory and run cmake to get the Makefiles: you have to set the correct nomacs and ReadFramework build directories

1 cd ReadModules
2 cmake -Dnomacs_DIR=../nomacs/ -DReadFramework_DIR=../ReadFramework .

Compile READ Modules:

1 make

The READ modules are nomacs plugins which will be automatically copied to the nomacs build directory after compiling. Go to the nomacs build directory and start nomacs

1 ./nomacs

The READ modules are now available in the Menu -> Plugins (you have to execute the PluginManager once from the menu)


Markus Diem Stefan Fiel Florian Kleber

related links:



