This is the complete list of members for rdf::FeatureCollection, including all inherited members.
append(const cv::Mat &descriptor) | rdf::FeatureCollection | |
descriptors() const | rdf::FeatureCollection | |
FeatureCollection(const cv::Mat &descriptors=cv::Mat(), const LabelInfo &label=LabelInfo()) | rdf::FeatureCollection | |
jsonKey() | rdf::FeatureCollection | static |
label() const | rdf::FeatureCollection | |
mDesc | rdf::FeatureCollection | protected |
mLabel | rdf::FeatureCollection | protected |
numDescriptors() const | rdf::FeatureCollection | |
operator==(const FeatureCollection &fcl, const FeatureCollection &fcr) | rdf::FeatureCollection | friend |
read(QJsonObject &jo, const QString &filePath="") | rdf::FeatureCollection | static |
setDescriptors(const cv::Mat &desc) | rdf::FeatureCollection | |
split(const cv::Mat &descriptors, const PixelSet &set) | rdf::FeatureCollection | static |
toJson(const QString &filePath="") const | rdf::FeatureCollection |