This is the complete list of members for rdf::Ellipse, including all inherited members.
angle() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
area() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
axis() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
bbox(bool squared=false) const | rdf::Ellipse | |
center() const | rdf::Ellipse | inline |
draw(QPainter &p, double alpha=0.0) const | rdf::Ellipse | |
Ellipse() | rdf::Ellipse | |
Ellipse(const Vector2D ¢er, const Vector2D &axis=Vector2D(), double angle=0.0) | rdf::Ellipse | |
Ellipse(const cv::RotatedRect &rect) | rdf::Ellipse | |
fromData(const std::vector< cv::Point > &pts) | rdf::Ellipse | static |
fromData(const QVector< Vector2D > &pts) | rdf::Ellipse | static |
fromData(const cv::Mat &pts, const Vector2D ¢er) | rdf::Ellipse | static |
getPoint(double angle) const | rdf::Ellipse | |
isNull() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
isValid() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
majorAxis() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
mAngle | rdf::Ellipse | protected |
mAxis | rdf::Ellipse | protected |
mCenter | rdf::Ellipse | protected |
minorAxis() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
mIsNull | rdf::Ellipse | protected |
move(const Vector2D &vec) | rdf::Ellipse | |
operator<<(QDebug d, const Ellipse &e) | rdf::Ellipse | friend |
pdf(cv::Mat &img, const Rect &box=Rect()) const | rdf::Ellipse | |
radius() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
scale(double factor) | rdf::Ellipse | |
setAngle(double angle) | rdf::Ellipse | |
setAxis(const Vector2D &axis) | rdf::Ellipse | |
setCenter(const Vector2D ¢er) | rdf::Ellipse | |
toBinaryMask(const Rect &box=Rect()) const | rdf::Ellipse | |
toCov() const | rdf::Ellipse | |
toString() const | rdf::Ellipse |