Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >, including all inherited members.

add_edge(node_id i, node_id j, captype cap, captype rev_cap)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
add_node(int num=1)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
add_tweights(node_id i, tcaptype cap_source, tcaptype cap_sink)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
arc_id typedefGraph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
Copy(Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype > *g0)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
get_arc_ends(arc_id a, node_id &i, node_id &j)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
get_arc_num()Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
get_first_arc()Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
get_next_arc(arc_id a)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
get_node_num()Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
get_rcap(arc *a)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
get_trcap(node_id i)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
Graph(int node_num_max, int edge_num_max, void(*err_function)(const char *)=NULL)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
mark_node(node_id i)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
maxflow(bool reuse_trees=false, Block< node_id > *changed_list=NULL)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
node_id typedefGraph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
remove_from_changed_list(node_id i)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
reset()Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
set_rcap(arc *a, captype rcap)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
set_trcap(node_id i, tcaptype trcap)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
SINK enum valueGraph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
SOURCE enum valueGraph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
termtype enum nameGraph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >
what_segment(node_id i, termtype default_segm=SOURCE)Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >inline
~Graph()Graph< captype, tcaptype, flowtype >